Publications of the Foundation employees

Publications of Foundation employees


    1. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E. ‘Digital Gap’ and intergenerational relations of parents and children// Psychological Magazine. – 2016. – T. 37, No. 5 – P. 44-45.
    2. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E. Models of digital competence and online activity of Russian teenagers// National Psychological Magazine. – 2016. – No. 2(22). – P. 50-60
    3. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E. Adolescent safety on the Internet: Risks coping with problems and parental mediation // Russian Education and Society. — 2016. — Vol. 58, no. 2. — P. 133–162.
    4. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V., Zhurina M. Psychological support of children and teenagers in the situation of facing online risks // X International Scientific Conference Sorokin Readings Health of the Russian Society in the XX century: sociological, psychological, and medical aspects. – 2016. – P. 891–892.
    5. Soldatova G., Nestik T. Technophiles and technophobes // Children in the Information society — 2016. — No. 25. — P. 20–29. texhofiliandtehnofobi.pdf.
    6. Soldatova G., Olkina O. 100 friends. Social circle of teenagers in social networks// Children in the Information society — 2016. — № 24. — P. 24–33. http: files/journal/24/100dryzei-23.pdf
    7. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V. Digital parenting in Russia: from ignorance to awareness // London School of Economics and Political Science 2016/01/20/digital-parenting-in-russia-from-ignorance-to-awareness/
    8. Soldatova G., Zhurina M. Burning online threats for mental health of children and teenagers: dangerous communication and Internet dependency// Mental Health of the Man of the XXI century: Collection of Scientific Articles based on materials of Mental Health of the Man of the XXI Century Congress. – Gorodets PH Moscow, 2016 0 P. 84-87.
    9. Soldatova G., Olkina O. Friendship in the real and virtual world: view of Russian schoolchildren// ACADEMIA. Educational Magazine of Moscow region. — 2016. — No. 3(9). — P. 39–47
    10. Personal and public: lessons of managing personal data in the Network (part 4)/ G. Soldatova, A. Priezzheva, V. Shlyapnikov, O. Olkina // Children in the Information society — 2016. — No. 24. — P. 60–69. files/journal/24/prakt.pdf
    11. Personal and public: lessons of managing personal data in the Network (part 5)/ G. Soldatova, A. Priezzheva, V. Shlyapnikov, O. Olkina // Children in the Information society — 2016. — No. 25. — P. 72–75. journal/25/prakt.pdf
    12. Personal and public: lessons of managing personal data in the Network (part 3)/ G. Soldatova, A. Priezzheva, V. Shlyapnikov, O. Olkina // Children in the Information society — 2016. — No. 23. — P. 54–61. journal/23/prakt.pdf


      1. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V. New educational and upbringing technologies. Use of digital devices by preschool children // Nizhny Novgorod Education. — 2015. — No. 3. — P. 78–85. media/publications/article/ 200/2f3/15053146/Soldatova _G.U_Shlyapnikov_V.N.Novyie_ obrazovatelnyie_i_vospitatelnyie_tehnologii. Nizhegorodskoe_obrazovanie2015_g.pdf
      2. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V., Olkina. Young children (0-8) and digital techology. a qualitative exploratory study - national report – Russian federation // Young children (0-8) and digital technology. — 2015. — P. 410–437. PublicationKey=LBNA27052
      3. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V., Zhurina M. Online threats in children’s and adults’ eyes// Children in the Information society — 2015. — No. 21. — P. 44–55. files/journal/21/issl_LP.pdf
      4. Personal and public: lessons of managing personal data in the Network (part 3)/ G. Soldatova, A. Priezzheva, V. Shlyapnikov, O. Olkina // Children in the Information society — 2015. — No. 21. — P. 62–71. files/journal/21/Prac.pdf
      5. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V., Zhurina M. Evolution of online risks: results of five-year work of Kids Online Help Line// Counseling Psychology and Psychiatry — 2015. — Т. 23, No. 3. — P. 50–66. 2015/n3/soldatova.shtml
      6. Soldatova G. Selfie – the new word // Children in the Information society — 2015. — No. 21. — P. 1. http://detionline. com/assets/files/ journal/21/kolonka.pdf
      7. Soldatova G. Strike the happy medium// Children in the Information society — 2015. — No. 20. – P. 1 http://detionline. com/assets/files/ journal/20/4_80_6_kolonka-redactora.pdf
      8. Soldatova G., Olkina O. My fortress // Children in the Information society — 2015. — No. 20. – P. 28-35. http://
      9. Soldatova G., Olkina O. Disadvantages of openness // Children in the Information society — 2015. — No. 20. – P. 26–47. files/journal/20/tema2.minysi-otkr..pdf
      10. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E. Models of experience transfer between generations when mastering and using the Internet // Psychology issues. – 2015. — No. 2. — P. 56–66. article/645/540/10146163/ Soldatova_Rasskazova.voprosyi _psihologii_2015.pdf
      11. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V. Almost head to head // Children in the Information Society М., 2015, No.19, p. 44-53 http://detionline. com/assets/files/journal/19/Pochti-na-ravnix.pdf


        1. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E. Security of teenagers in the Internet: risks, copying, and parents’ mediation// National Psychological Magazine. — 2014. — No. 3 (15). — P. 39–51. publications/ article/b3f/384/10146072/ npj_no15_2014_39-51.pdf
        2. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V. Do not buy, but download// Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 18. p.26-37.
        3. Soldatova G., Nestik T., Rasskazova E., Zotova E. Risk Factors// Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 17. p. 50-59
        4. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V. Games, cartoons, and education // Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 17. p.44-47. files/journal/17/games,cartoons, educations(1).pdf
        5. Soldatova G., Shlyapnikov V. Online communication; for and against // Potential. Mathematics. Physics. Computer Science. M., 2014, No. 8
        6. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E. Psychological factors teenager’s security on the Internet: role of copying behavior and parents’ mediation//RHSF Bulletin. M. 2014, No. 2(75). p. 126-134.
        7. Soldatova G. We are short of friendship // Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 16. p. 1. files/journal/16/kolonka.pdf
        8. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E., Zotova E. Area of irresponsibility // Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 16. p. 44–53. files/journal/16/issl.pdf
        9. Shlyapnikov V. I have experienced cyber bulling and grooming firsthand // Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 15. p. 60–65. files/journal/15/tendencii.pdf
        10. Soldatova G., Zotova E., Rasskazova E. Digital competence of schoolchildren and their parents // Guide for the Form Master. 2014, No. 5, p. 36-43.
        11. Soldatova G. Is the Internet good or bad for child’s development? Guide for the Form Master. 2014, No. 3, p.42-49.
        12. Soldatova G., Zotova E., Rasskazova E. Big difference // Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 15. p. 51–61. journal/15/Issledovaniya.pdf
        13. Soldatova G. Following the readers // Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 15. p. 1. files/journal/15/15-kolonka.pdf


          1. Alexey Soldatov, Alexey Platonov, Dmitry Burkov, Natalia Bulashova A Internet Histiry of Russia in 1990s // Asia Internet History First Decade (19980-1990).December 20, 2013, p.227-264.
          2. Soldatova G., Zotova E. Coping with online risks: The experience of Russian schoolchildren //Journal of Children and Media, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2013, p. 44–59. 739766
          3. Ovcharenko S. Interview // Domain Names. No. 2 (9) Autumn 2013, p. 13-15
          4. Soldatova G., Nestik T., Rasskazova E., Zotova E. Digital competence of Russian teenagers and their parents: structure and diagnostics// Ideas of Tikhomirova O. and Brushlinskiy A. and fundamental psychology problems (dedicated to 80th anniversary). Proceedings of Russian Scientific Conference (with participation of foreigners) Moscow May 30 – June 1 2013, p. 282–284.
          5. Soldatova G. To be grown-up enough for the Internet // Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 13. p. 1 files/journal/13/redaktor_13.pdf
          6. Soldatova G., Zotova E. , Lebesheva M., Shlyapnikov V. Internet: Opportunities, Competences, and Security. Teaching Guide for Educators. P. 1 Lectures. – M.: Guttenberg Book Culture Center, 2013 – 165 p. files/research/BookTheorye.pdf
          7. Soldatova G., Zotova E. , Lebesheva M., Shlyapnikov V. Internet: Opportunities, Competences, and Security. Teaching Guide for Educators. P. 1 Practice. – M.: Guttenberg Book Culture Center, 2013 – 137 p. files/research/Book_Praktikum.pdf.
          8. Digital competence of teenagers and their parents. Results of the Russian survey. / G. Soldatova, T. Nestik, E. Rasskazova, E. Zotova – M.: Foundation for Internet Development, 2013. – 144 p. files/research/DigitalLiteracy.pdf.
          9. Soldatova G. Myths of the digital century // Children in the Information Society. М., 2013, No. 14, p. 1. files/journal/14/1.pdf
          10. Soldatova G. They are different // Children in the Information Society. М., 2013, No. 14, p. 50–61. files/journal/14/22_33.pdf
          11. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E. Role of parents in increase of Internet security of the child // Psychology Issues, No 2 March-April 2013, p. 3-15.
          12. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E. Excessive use of the Internet: factors and signs// Psychological Magazine. – 2013. – Vol. 34, No. 4 – P. 105-144.
          13. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E., Zotova E. Internet Children // Domain Names. No. 2 (9) Autumn 2013, p. 16-19
          14. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E., Zotova E. Aborigines or citizens? // Children in the Information Society. М., 2013, No. 13, p. 42-51 files/journal/13/research-13.pdf


            1. Soldatova G. Kinder in Internet: Eine neue Form der Soziabilitat in der Informationsgesellschaft // 14.Potsdamer Begegnungen Die Internet —Gesellschaft-Verheibung oder Verirrung? Potsdam, Staatskanzlei 18.-19 Juni 2012
            2. Soldatova G., Zotova E. EU Kids Online: National perspectives:Russia// Kids Online: National perspectives. Oslo. 2012. October. P.55-56 3
            3. Zhurina M, Yarmina A. When you are short of words // Children in the Information Society. М., 2012, No. 10. p. 46–57. files/journal/10/ugrozi_10.pdf
            4. Ovsyannikov A., Ovsyannikova T., Ovcharenko S. Mechanism of rights basing on user groups in Eduroam – federal system of controlling access to network resources to scientific and educational networks // Program Products and Systems, No. 4, 2012 index.php?page=article&id=3302
            5. Soldatova G. Keyboard layer. Digital era adjusts human capital assets // Nezavisimaya Gazeta scenario/2012-11-27/9_digital.html
            6. Soldatova G. Scarecrow’s rating // Russian Reporter 05/30/ reiting/
            7. Soldatova G. Our children line in hard times of changes // Modern Library № 7(27)/2012, p.32-37 files/Fulltext/Soldatova.pdf
            8. Soldatova G., Zotova E. Aggressors and victims// Children in the Information Society. М., 2012, No. 11, p. 42–51. issl11.pdf
            9. Soldatova G. How can we help them? Child on the Internet: to prohibit, to supervise or to explain? // Children in the Information Society. М., 2012, No. 10, p. 26-33. http://detionline. com/assets/ files/journal/10/tema2_10.pdf
            10. Soldatova G. Alone with everybody // Children in the Information Society. М., 2012, No. 11, p. 60-67. files/journal/11/tend11.pdf
            11. Soldatova G. Useful and safe Internet. Rules of safe use of the Internet for preschool children: method. Guide/ edited by Soldatova G. – M. Federal Institute of Education Development, 2012. - 48 p.
            12. Soldatova G., Zotova E. Strategies of schoolchildren’s copying with cyber bulling // Human in the Information Society: collection of scientific articles based on proceedings of International Research and Training Conference May 31 – June 1, 2012 / edited by A. Voyskunskiy, Dubovoy. – Penza: Belinskiy PSPU, 2012, p. 59-64
            13. Soldatova G., Lebesheva M. Risks of information online socialization and health of the younger generation (proceedings) // V Congress of Russian Psychological Society, Russian Nonprofit Organization. Proceedings of Congress participants: Russian Psychological Society, 2012-448 p., p.438-439
            14. Soldatova G., Roggendorf P. Risks of the information society: types and possible consequences // Human in the Information Society: collection of scientific articles based on proceedings of International Research and Training Conference May 31 – June 1, 2012 / edited by A. Voyskunskiy, Dubovoy. – Penza: Belinskiy PSPU, 2012, p. 214-217
            15. Soldatova G., Roggendorf P., Seregina V. Kids Online Help Line – psychological assistance provided to children and teenagers facing Internet risks / V Congress of Russian Psychological Society, Russian Nonprofit Organization. Proceedings of Congress participants: Russian Psychological Society, 2012 – 448 p., p. 437—438.


              1. Soldatova G., Zotova E. Cyber bulling in school settings: difficult online situation and ways of copying // Educational Policy, M., No. 5 (55), 2011
              2. Soldatova G., Zotova E. Russian and European Schoolchildren: risks of the digital generation / Internet in figures, M., No. 3 (7), 2011
              3. Soldatova G., Zotova E. Internet dangers for the child // Guide of the Form Master, M., No. 7, 2011
              4. Soldatova G. Left for the Web and did not come back// Nezavisimaya Gazeta ddecember 27,2011
              5. Soldatova G. Russian Schoolchildren: Challenges and Risks of Online Socialization // Children, Youth and Media in the World, No1, 2011. cl/publ/letter.php
              6. Soldatova G., Zotova E., Chekalina A., Caught by one net: social and psychological survey of children’s and adults’ vision of the Internet Edited by G. Soldatova.- М., 2011.- Foundation for Internet Development.
              7. Soldatova G., Nestik T. Youth on the Network: power and weakness of the social capital// Educational Policy. M., 2010, No. 3—4, p. 24—40.
              8. Shlyapnikov V., Player // Children in the Information Society. М., 2011, No. 9 p. 38 – 43 files/journal/9/tema_wlyapn9.pdf
              9. Soldatova G., Rasskazova E. I did not eat and sleep because of the Internet. Dependency or a new way of life? // Children in the Information Society. М., 2011, No. 9 p. 22—29. files/journal/9/tema-rassk.pdf
              10. Soldatova G., Lebesheva M. Dangerous curiosity. How and who visits websites carrying threats for schoolchildren’s health // Children in the Information Society. М., 2011, No. 8. p. 46—55. files/journal/8/tema5_8.pdf
              11. Soldatova G., Volkova P., Seregina V. Emergency aid in cyber space // Children in the Information Society. М., 2011, No. 7, p.56—62. journal/7/13pract_7.pdf


                1. Soldatova G., Kropaleva E. How do schoolchildren perceive the Internet // Guide of the Form Master, M., No. 7, 2010, p. 11-17
                2. Soldatova G., Kropaleva E. Special features of Russian schoolchildren as Internet users // Internet in Education. Proceedings of International Scientific and Training Virtual Conference, October 12, 2009 – April 1, 2010 M.: SGU Publishing House, 2010, p. 475-489
                3. Soldatova G., Nestik T., Shlyapnikov V. I have experienced cyber bulling and grooming firsthand // Children in the Information Society. М., 2014, No. 15. p. 60–65. /journal/15/tendencii.pdf. Nestik T. Youth in the Network: power and weakness of the social capital // Educational Policy. М., 2010, No. 3—4, p. 24—40
                4. Shlyapnikov V. Age of casual relationships // Children in the Information Society. М., М., 2010, No. 5, p. 38—43
                5. Soldatova G., Kropaleva E. Togerther before the screen.// Children in the Information Society. М., 2010, No. 5, p. 48—55. files/journal/5/research_5.pdf
                6. Soldatova G., Kropaleva E. , Gostimskaya O. Caught by one net.// Children in the Information Society. М., 2010, No. 3, p. 36—43. files/journal/3/research1_3.pdf

Before 2010

                1. Guriev M. Computer networks and development of Russia // Computer Weekly 25.06. 98, No. 22.
                2. Soldatov A. Proceedings of News of Information Technology Market column // Today 1996-1997